Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Super SK Skaters

Hi SK Parent(s) and welcome to my Blog. I will be periodically sending you an e-mail to inform you that a posting for the SK group has been posted. I hope you will read about what we are working on in physical education and then help your child practice these skills at home. Thirty minutes goes by quickly and even though we revisit the numerous skills we learn, the practice only helps strengthen the skills and helps build self confidence!

Ice Skating has been our biggest focus since we have returned to school in January. Jill Herbst and her daughter Liz have been covering the classes as I am recovering from two stomach cancer surgeries. The children have really blossomed in their confidence on the ice as they are all now moving and skating for the most part with ease. Just being able to balance and move on skates is quiet an accomplishment. Besides forward skating and balancing, the children have worked on skills of gliding, doing a dip, airplane turns and stopping. It is so much fun to watch the development of the children on the ice. As their final class on the ice comes around, a more formal type assessment is done on each of the children and you will be receiving this assessment at conference time. The report card only notes two skills and the children really do learn more than skating forward and balancing on their skates!

When we are back in the gym we are working on refining some of the skills learned earlier in the school year. Many of these skills are manipulative in nature, such as bounce and catch a ball, toss and catch a ball, striking a balloon with a paddle, balance skills and underhand throwing. I also like to incorporate some of the academic skills into our lessons as well. We do letter recognition and matching, and some simple math problems as well. This gives the children another opportunity to practice these skills in a different and fun way!

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